Monday, April 15, 2013

Here & There: Nouveau & Alki

When my parents made a last minute decision to visit Seattle I couldn't leave them to fend for themselves all day so I joined them in a work ditch day.  We went all over Seattle and stopped at many tourist spots but our morning was spent exploring these "Here and Theres": Bakery Nouveau & Alki beach.

Here: Bakery Nouveau
Location: West Seattle

I first heard of Bakery Nouveau when a coworker told me about the most amazing brioche roll that tasted like a cinnamon roll with walnuts and bacon. I couldn't even wait a week before visiting upon which I found just what she had described... and let me tell you... it was amazing.

This bakery is on one of the main streets in West Seattle and a mile from the beach. It has an assortment of breakfast breads, sandwiches, pizzas, breads, and desserts but it is most known for its twice baked almond croissant  Even during my mid-day Tuesday visit with my family there was a short line and a steady flow of customers.

There: Alki Beach
Location: West Seattle

Having spent 9ish years in California.... I use the term "beach" lightly. When I first moved here, people were always giving me recommendations of places to explore and Alki came up often. I had this idea of what I imagined it to look like but when I finally visited I was aghast that this is what Seattle refers to as a beach. There was more sand in a sandbox!

Over the months, my disdain for Alki "beach" dwindled and I have come to love this area of town... and not just because it usually means I am stopping at Nouveau first. There are miles of beach walkways, a few local (and chain) coffeeshops, and amazing views of downtown Seattle.

I haven't been here on a hot summer day but I imagine this to be a little less serene and a lot my Baywatch... well, Seattle Baywatch.



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