Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Temple of Happiness: The Outcome

When you are happy, it is so easy to search out a place that could be your haven in the midst of a storm. It is when you are sad that the ability to discover happiness is truly tested.

So I was happy...


And I found my "temple of happiness."

But then my world got rocked... In my career, relationships, and being.... When it rains, it storms right?

I ignorantly went to this temple and looked for that instantaneous happiness. It wasn't there.

What lacked in happiness, I instead found in peace.

Without books, music, friends, I could just sit there and be. People were probably staring at the crazy silent girl with puffy eyes but I didn't care. I was freely able to reflect or silence all the noise in my head. I was in my spot for most of the long weekend and finally on Tuesday I felt rejuvenated. I wouldn't consider this new place a temple of happiness but for a girl who is always "on" it is my quiet place, my temple of rediscovery.

Too cheesy?

I don't care. I discovered a lot about myself this weekend... What I believe, where I want to go next in my career, and what I want my life to be about. And honestly, I give all credit to my quiet time, a sister who challenged me to grow up, and a series of unfortunate events.

C'est la vie!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011



(Read more of Garance)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Recap: Work Free Weekend

I don't mean to brag but I had a fantastic weekend. Once Friday at 4pm hit, it was full of fun and absolutely no work. 

No, I am serious... a work free weekend!


Dinner with family and BZ

Rose City Roller Derby




Car wash

Downtown PDX shopping

Foodcart lunch

Beer + BBQ dinner

Rental movie



[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onDh4P1cE2E]

(don't mind the creepy music video... but I fell in love with this version of 99 Problems in a scene from No Strings Attached)


Helped Showtime get settled into his new house

Played with Noah

Retail Therapy


Prepped for Monday



Friday, May 20, 2011

A Lifelong Love Affair


There is such an intrinsic partnership between design and copy. If the design is bad, no copy can save it and if the copy is bad, design can't help either. But as much as I love great design, it is the messaging that has the ability to win me over.

With MyHabit.com, I get both.

After getting this tweet I took the time to really check out the site.



Which is when I became smitten with the buyer's copy... especially Meredith's.

And then I found these...

To take the cake, I soon later learned they use live video for their product shots. This is a display method I think all online retailers should use.

Watch on Posterous

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Big Ben

I fell upon Flud watches late one evening this week. I couldn't sleep and after bouncing throughout google, I landed on a gold mine.


These watches are considered unisex but I find them to be a bit too masculine for my taste. However, Flud's design and colors are intriguing and I can't help but love the Big Ben series in the Oak style.



In case you love it too, Amazon.com has it!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Mom's on Twitter

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCph8E9HuMc]

No really... she is.


Sometimes she says powerful things like this:


Or this:


Plus, she really likes shorthand:


Is obviously smart:


And sometimes silly:


Love my mom and love the video @Twitter made for Mother's day... especially the opening.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Temple of Happiness

My next objective is to discover my "temple of happiness."


(The charming cottage of my BFF, Angela)

The main idea: Find a place that is special to me... it can be a bookstore, coffee shop, or even a favorite park bench... but it is a place that I can call my own and kickstart my happiness if I feel it fleeting.

I love books and I love coffee, so a place that combines both will be ideal. For the next two weeks I am going to explore. Take my free time to find some a place that would bring me joy. And I am setting some boundaries for myself...

It must be within 10 minutes of my house.

I love driving and I am known for spending many mornings off in my favorite coffee shop that is 15 mins+ away. But I need my nook to be a bit more close to home and convenient. 

I can't share it with others.

Yes, I am going to take pictures and tell you about the places I explore... but what I eventually decide on is going to be my secret. A haven. Yes, that does mean no foursquare checkins.

It can't hold any memories.

This may seem so silly to you but I want a place that I have never been with anyone before. I don't want my "temple" to reflect a boyfriend, friend, memory, good or bad. I am being selfish and claiming this place as my own... and all of the strangers who also visit.

A work free environment.

I don't need another place to plug in. This is about plugging out. My work will be left at the door. 

That's all folks... time to explore and I know just the place to start!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Recap: Movie Madness

This past week of work has put me on the exhaustion level.

Late nights...

    Long days...

         Big baby, but I love it.

But that does mean, come Sunday I was a walking zombie.

Which is why this post is a day late. (Excuses)

This weekend I saw:


  • Bridesmaids (Loved it)

  • An Education (Absolutely Fantastic)

  • How to Train your Dragon (Think I loved it but fell asleep)

  • Inception (Surprisingly liked it)

But Bridesmaids definitely takes the cake. With all of the fuss over Ashley's upcoming wedding, it made the whole ordeal so funny. It was also a great portrayal of a sister like friendship.

This weekend I also:

Met up with @Showtimeisback for some Portland Street food. This is how we greet each other...


We ate at Nong's Khao Man Gai. As you can see the line was long and Showtime is ridiculously tall...


I also got to hang out with this guy....


And eat some of these guys...


And oogle these bowties...


Overall, I call this weekend a huge success!

Can't wait until next...

Friday, May 13, 2011


If anyone gets within a 10 feet radius of me during any sort of traveling, they know I am a Zuca advocate.


This little piece of luggage magic has traveled with me to New York, London, Paris and just next door to Beaverton. It has been my only luggage for weekend getaways and up to 10-day vacations. It is a bit like Mary Poppin's purse... I am amazed at all that I can fit it in!

I don't think I could ever give it up but I must admit I have a bit of luggage wandering eye for the SteamLine Luggage.


Pretty irresistible, right?



Monday, May 9, 2011

Stop and Focus: The Outcome

I have spent the last two weeks putting special emphasis on the "stop and focus" task of my quest to find my joie de vivre.

Two weeks is simple enough and it totally helps with the highs of wins at work, a new boy who captivates you, and friends and family to fill your time.

But all highs come to end and it is in the lows that I needed to remember what I was doing...

It hit me, Thursday night, towards the end of this project... I had just left a difficult conversation and made my way back to the house I was house/dog sitting. Nearly 11pm and I couldn't find parking anywhere. Once I had finally given up and parked in someone else's spot, I walk in to find the dog had torn up everything. Everything. My frustration continued through the late night... 2am... then 4am because of wake up calls by this dog who isn't mine. And ii didn't stop once the sun came back up with aggravating emails, losses at work, and things not going according to my plan.

The high that was just a few days prior, was long gone.

It was so silly but as I was out getting my second caffiene fix of the day, Lenka, my muse, came on the speakers with a song I hadn't yet heard: 

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZaE4TY09C8]

And I was reminded... that highs end... lows end... and all that is in-between comes and goes as well. I have to stop and think about what is amazing right now.

I must be present.

So I:  

went all in.

took a walk... in the rain.

finally went back home and slept amazingly in my own bed next to my perfect dog.

told as many funny stories as I could think of.

wore the brightest dress I owned to a black attire event.

stayed up late.

slept in.

searched high and low for a great mother's day dessert... taste testing as I went.

made new friends.

talked till late in the night.

kissed the boy I like.


In general, I am an optimist. But I enjoy keeping myself as busy as possible and it is often in the busyness of life, that I miss the little things that happen all the time. I found that when I was at my highest moments of frustration that I literally need to stop, breathe, and think of one thing that is amazing in my life at that moment. After just a few seconds of that I was ready to take on the world.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Think of me when you drink this cup


If you happen to be wondering what would be a fantastic gift for yours truly... look no further! This postcard cup by Bailey Doesn't Bark is personable and a keep sake. Practice your handwriting, write a quick note, bake then give!

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/16157079 w=400&h=225]


The postcard mug. Apply your own message to our take on the postcard.

- 14 oz (0.4 L) capacity 
- 4in (10cm) height x 3.5in (9cm) diameter 
- Natural color of the clay, slightly ivory white
- Microwave safe, hand wash recommended
- Handmade in USA, {watch how}
- Pen included, black

Instructions: Clean Postcup™ with soap and water or wipe with lint free cloth and alcohol. Apply message or art with Pebeo porcelain pen. Allow to dry for 24 hrs after application then bake in oven for 35 minutes at 300℉ (150℃). Porcelain paint will set permanently once baked. Avoid abrasives when washing. You may erase the paint prior to baking using rubbing alcohol


Find here>>



Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Recap: It's Sunny Somewhere

The weekend has come and gone and Portland's two days of sun have been ushered away with clouds and rain.


This weekend was a big one for work, as usually the last weekend in the month is in retail. It's our last chance to hit our goals and give encouragement to start the next month strong. I had two events going on 1) Out with the Old and 2) It's Sunny Somewhere, both were a great success.

Aside from the 24 hours of work, I had a low key weekend that consisted of dog sitting a big dog who swears he is tiny, walks and movies with friends, and soaking in as much sun as possible.

> >


> > > >


> > > > > > > > Peace, Love, and Bubblegum shared by my iPhone



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