Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I love board games. I love most games. But I especially love Fast Scrabble. (Perhaps you know it as Bananas.) I love the speed of the game and how it requires you to work smartly but be able to adjust. This past weekend I played a few rounds with the women of the Noah / Rajagopal houses and swept it.

Then the men got involved and I finally met my match.

Thankfully I lost twice to two of the most brilliant men I know. First to my dad and second to Ashley's father in law, Raj...but just barely.

I have 360 days of training and then a rematch.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving in Seattle

Ashley and Vik hosted Thanksgiving this year and I was openly skeptical.

This was their first Thanksgiving to host...
As newlyweds.
As a couple.
As anything!

We have reached the point in adulthood (well, they have.) where instead of going to parents house, parent's come to us.

Let me tell you... the entire day was fantastic.

Thank you so much, A &V, for having all of us!

It is Noah tradition to have a Surf and Turf Thanksgiving. It started only a few years back and now I wouldn't have it any other way.

Man of the house. Head of the table.

Rudy was a little upset that he did not have a place at the table.

Ashley's homemade pumpkin cheesecake. It gets better year after year.

Ashley, you were such a fantastic host!

Does this mean next year Thanksgiving is at my place?!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I was so excited to have my family in town for Thanksgiving. Since both my sister and I had to work the day after Thanksgiving, going down to Portland was not an option. Thankfully, both my parent's and Vik's made it to Seattle.

I made these.... GO ME!

While everyone else was enjoying the holiday and football... we had to work.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I was needing a pick me up the other day. Something to ease my mind and comfort my soul.

Do you have something that can instantly make you happy?

For me, it is a book and a cup of hot chocolate.

I get lost in the imagery and story of a book. And in sipping my hot chocolate, regardless of where I am, I feel as though I am in a cabin surrounded by snow.

It is where I find peace.



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