Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh hey stranger!

How are you?

Good? Great!

Sorry, I have been missing in action...

I know, I know... I haven't returned phone calls or texts.

Yes, I have been tweeting and facebooking so I am still alive.

But... but... But I've been busy!

I have so much to tell you and adventures to fill you in on. But they will have to wait.

At least for a few more weeks.

I promise I will be back. Soon. Very soon.

For now, I am a week away from my big sister ( only sister ) wedding extravaganza. I am knee deep in taffeta, wedding gifts, RSVP and speech writing.

I miss you.

If you happen to be missing me too; send me positive thoughts so this affair takes off without a glitch, I don't trip at all that day, and I rock the going stag is the new the black look.

Love always,




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