Friday, June 29, 2012


"Who here has rafted before?"

As I looked around the circle that included the seven other people I would soon be rafting down the Wenatchee River with I saw that my hand was the only one that was not raised.

My guide, FedEx, a former marine turned weekday police officer and weekend raft guide, looked at me and smiled, "A rafting virgin! I have something special for you."

As if my nerves leading up that point weren't already shakey his comment put me in full on fear mode.

FedEx briefly taught us how to row and what commands to listen for and then we set off in the water. I was stationed in the back next to FedEx and although he instilled fear in me earlier, our personalities were a match and we quickly hit it off. He was surprised by my affinity for turning normal sentences into a dirty joke and that I could keep up with his banter. (It truly is a talent that no one appreciates nearly as much as I do. Especially my mom.)

Halfway down the river, Fedex turned to me, "Put your oar in the middle."

This was it. He was going to dunk me. Or push me in. Or make me swim a rapid.

I wasn't scared of the water. I'm like a fish that needs to plug her nose. It was getting back in the boat that sent a chill down my spine. HELLO, hot mess flailing to be dragged inside. NO ONE, looks good getting pulled back in.

Everyone started giggling and staring at me.

Suit up, Dani.

"Ok now go sit at the front of the boat."

I clumsily climb up three rows.

"No, sit on the front of the boat."

I turn back to him, "You have got to be kidding me!"

"Do it! Feet in the water"

I slowly sit on the front with my toes dipping in the water. I have my butt pushed as far back as possible to protect myself from falling in and hoping I fall back instead."

"Now don't get my wrong, I love the view Dani, but quit sticking your butt out and sit on the seat. And hold on."

Our team gets the command and we start rowing down the river. Apart from our chant to keep our rows in time, I just keep repeating "Oh my gosh" with each stroke.

As I look ahead on the river, I see the boats start to hit the next rapid. It looks fast and then


Boat by boat you see them amongst the rapids and then hit a dip that throws the front of the raft four feet in the air.

"If you believe in God, now would be the time to talk to him..." FedEx joked.


Within seconds, my only view is rapids and our speed is intense. Then we hit the dip and we free fall down only to meet a wall of water that flew me in in the air. I feel my body lift off of the raft and my grip tightens on the rope. I only have a second to recover and then another wall of water hits my face.

It felt like 10 minutes of rapids (more like 30 seconds) and then we were back on calm water.

"High Five! I can't believe you stayed on! Go ahead and make your way back."

My body was convulsing with shakes.
I wasn't sure I could move.

I slowly brought my legs inside the boat one by one and then attempted to walk to the back. My feeble attempt ended up having everyone one of my seven rafting mates hold my hand and help push me back.

"That was amazing. The last time I had someone do that, they got cork screwed off the boat!"

Oh. Now you tell me.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Water Proof Camera

My dad is a prolific white water rafter.

My mom joined him on a few runs.

Heck, even my sister has rafted the Nile.

Me? Not even once.

It was finally my time and with a gang of close friends we joined LivingSocial to raft the Wenatchee River with River Recreations.

We started our adventure in downtown Seattle, bused to Moniter, WA, struggled into wet suits, then raged the rapids down to camp. After grilling up some BBQ, we journeyed back and stopped in Leavensworth for some beer and live music before finishing the trek home.

It may have been one of my top days ever and definitely a perfect end to an amazing weekend.

These are pictures from my super handy and difficult to use water proof camera.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dachshunds on Parade

Dachshunds on Parade from Danielle Noah on Vimeo.

Last week, @luckylou tweeted to me (@danidotnoah) that Ellensburg, WA was about to host a Dachshund festival. 

For those that are still getting to know me...
I love dogs.
I especially love dachshunds.
I even more especially love my Jake the Weiner Dog who lives in Portland.

I sent a tweet off to the public and tagged my family not thinking I would get a response. Within minutes my brother emailed us and said, "We're going."

A 2+ hour drive was well worth it with over 200 doxies, costumes, parades and my favorite... the races. It didn't hurt that the weather was warm and the sun out in Eastern Washington.

Next year, my pup is getting entered. He may not be the fastest but he would beat the other doxies up and saunter his way to the finish line in first.

Monday, June 18, 2012

1183 - Dip the Bill

1183 Prohibition Cocktail Showdown from Danielle Noah on Vimeo.

Follow me on Instagram (danidotnoah) to see pictures as they happen like these...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why not run it

I had this great idea… I should run to work!

It is only 2.5 miles away and since I already walk it, why not run it?

I put together a simple outfit of bell skirt, sleeveless top and flats that would work with my signature high bun and minimalist jewelry/make up. It all fit neatly into my Lego backpack and once 6am arrived I washed my face, brushed my teeth, tied my shoe laces, and set off.

I walked down the hill.

Ran to the space needle.

Power walked Denny.

Then finished the run into my building.

After cleaning up and getting pretty, I was sitting at my desk cleaning out my inbox by 7am. [I lasted until 7:15am to get coffee. I find those 15 minutes of waiting to be quite valiant.]

Things I learned:
  • Don’t wear only a sports bra under my Zella jacket. That jacket is like a hot box sticking to my skin.
  • Try your work outfit on prior to packing… and if your skirt is see through, pack a slip. Oops.
  • I need to start running again.
  • Minimalist running doesn’t suck. I definitely looked like this girl:

Until next time… Maybe

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Red Mill

C has been talking and talking and talking that Red Mill has THE best burger.

I believe in less talk / more action which is why this night's dinner looked something like this:

Bacon Cheese Burger.



So good.

[Pro tip: Cash only]

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Baseball Blues

Let me tell you about my friend Abby.

Abby loves baseball.

Baseball doesn't love Abby.

My first baseball game with Abby, she told me she has a long running streak of losses. Perhaps the Mariner's may not be the best team in the league, regardless, every game Abby attends the Mariner's lose.

I don't know the exact number but I know we are in the mid teens.

This game was proving to break her bad spell. The Mariner's were playing strong and we were up the entire game.

Until the 9th inning.

Out of nowhere the Angel's caught our four runs and surpassed it by two.

And the streak continues.

(Abby's unluckiness may prove to be handy the next time my A's are in town.)



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