Wednesday, February 27, 2013


If anyone has spent more than 5 minutes talking with me, they know I am an avid reader. I consume books like they are chocolate and most nights sacrifice sleep to finish a book. I love to read because I am transported to a place and time I have never experienced. Unlike movies, I am able to be the art director of my imagination and create the scene from the written words.

I am so inspired by a great story and I try to live a life that would be a great story.... albiet one where the heroine is a bit clumsy and silly. But apart from living a great story, I am spending more time writing stories and sharing them. They could come from my life, imagination or Taylor Swift song. They may be real, they may be fake... that is only for me to know. You may see stories start to populate on this blog and can find them under the label  "storytelling."

I will leave you with this, one of my favorite twitter accounts, @veryshortstory, who is able to tell a complete story in 140 characters and inspires me that sometimes less is more:

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Dude and The Dog Park

While my sister and brother were on the beach in Hawaii, I got to have days on days of play time with Rudy. The Dude is one of the cutest doxies ever but with an endless amount of energy it was always crucial to find opportunities to let him play himself sleepy. The small dog park never disappoints.

It started as a surprisingly beautiful day in Seattle but as we were driving to the dog park, dark clouds came in quickly. By the time we arrived there was a faint mist that wouldn't stop us from playing. 15 minutes later and we were caught in a shower. Rudy was over the rain, mud and over eager puppies and he sweetly showed me by jumping all over me.

I got him back with a bathtime... Auntie Dani wins.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What I Read: January

My sister, Ashley, is the kids & teens' book marketing manager for one of the top e-commerce sites and is always bringing me books that will be the next best thing or is the current top read. The books I read in January are all books that she dropped on my doorstep as "must reads" or books that found their way to her from other teams at work:

Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
This book is currently on Ashley's radar and gaining momentum. Once I got my hands on a copy, I understood why...It is a very easy read about a mysterious girl who travels between the world we know and the underworld. (Or otherworld as we not quite sure what all she is involved in.)

The size of this book may intimidate you but I read it in a day as it is easy to devour. At first, it was challenging to get into it as you are immediately introduced to characters and worlds that it seems you are should understand but as the pages turn more and more is revealed just in time to suck you in until the end... or until you can get your hands on the next in the series.

The Absolutist by John Boyne
This is a story of two soldiers who are fighting in World War I and falling in love with each other at a time when homosexuality was illegal.

This book was heartbreaking due to the self hatred and loathing these characters experienced. This isn't a light read by any means but if you start to read it, one you must read until the end.
Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor
I could have sworn Ashley said that the Daughter of Smoke & Bone had a sequel... not two following books... which why I was eager to read this and finish the story that I started. Much like the first book, it follows the same character as she dives more in to the underworld to save .... something. (I don't want to give it away!)

But please know: there are 3 books in this series. Don't be a dimwit like me and think that this ending will be solved because it was yet another cliff hanger.
The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winter
The world is ending and society has given up. Most of society has given up... this book is a about a policemen during the end of the world who is still trying to solve crimes and save people even though no one else cares.

When I read this book, I got caught up in the mystery but halfway through the book got in its own way. More twists and turns were introduced and the plot got over complicated. I would read this book if you happen to be poolside in Mexico but save it on the shelf until then.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ball-sy 2013

I was having coffee with someone last week and we got on the topic of my hair. Although, I cut off all my hair close to two months ago and many of you have been following my adventure through here, Facebook, or Instagram, I am still spending time with people who are seeing it in person for the first time. It is a lot to take in which is why it frequently comes up. He told me it was a "ballsy move" and that quickly became the theme for our conversation...

We both decided that 2013 was the year that we did big things. Made BHAG and followed through with them.

I cut my hair.
He got lazik.
I was going to bike down QA hill.
He was going to sell his car.

I have my 30 before 30 list and my NYE Resolutions and now I am adding more to the list... (or qualifying what will be accomplished from those in 2013):
  • I will ride my bike down Queen Anne Hill.
  • I will run a half marathon.
  • I will be alcohol free for Lent with Ashley.
  • I will take the flying trapeze classes.
I have a few more check points that are on my list but I can't tell all of my secrets. That's a lie... I will tell, you just have to ask.

Update: I have already broken not drinking over lent.... but to be perfectly fair, I didn't drink for all of January and half of December so I feel like I have a few grace days.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Story: Expectation vs. Reality

A lesson in story telling.

vs. Reality
He was coming home today.
He missed me as much as I missed him.
Even though our time together was short we had been there for each other for so much.
It is in moments like this that you realize what and who are most important in your life.

When I got into the office this day, before I even turned on my computer, I made a sign. There is nothing that I love more than being picked up from the airport and see your person waiting for you at the escalator.

The work day went by so slowly as I checked my phone constantly for updates on his flight. I finally got off of work early and drove to the airport. I hit timing perfectly and just missed the post work traffic rush. His flight was right on time.

But still, I was late. Even in my expectations, I was late. So I quickly parked my car right by the walkway, hiked up my long dress, and took off running. People turned to stop and stare as I darted through the garage. They knew I was meeting someone special.

Out of the parking garage and through the baggage claim I ran. There was no one at the carousels so I continued running to where I was shoulder to shoulder with town-car drivers waiting for their faceless passengers to arrive from their flights.

Black suit white sign name,
black suit white sign name,
black suit white sign name,
black dress white sign green heart.

Flights had just landed and the waiting area began to fill with people meeting. I saw him come up the escalator before he saw me. After the week he had and a flight all night, I could see the world on his shoulders. But once I caught his eye some worry disappeared and he smiled at me.

He quickly walked over, set down his bag, wrapped his arms around my waist and we hugged. I could feel his deep breathes and sighs of relief in the crook of my neck only lighten when we brought his head back to give me a sweet kiss. He was finally home.

After a few minutes we untwined ourselves from each other and he grabbed his bag with this left hand and my hand with his right. As we walked back to my car to make the journey home we finally spoke when I asked him "How are you?" and he took a deep breathe and told me all that he couldn't say the week prior when all he had time for was a single line in an email saying he was alive.

He was home.
He was with me.
. He was coming home today.
I hoped he missed me as much as I missed him.
Even though our time together was short and had ended we had been there for each other for so much.
It is in moments like this that you realize what and who are most important in your life.

When I got into the office this day, before I even turned on my computer, I made a sign. There is nothing that I love more than being picked up from the airport and see your person waiting for you at the escalator.

The work day went by so slowly as I checked my phone constantly for updates on his flight. I finally  got off of work early and drove to the airport. Traffic was backed up all through downtown and his flight that was running late ended up landing early.

I took the first spot I could find, hiked up my long dress, and took off running. I saw a sign that said his airline's name pointing in the opposite direction I was running so I doubled back and kept on.

My phone vibrated
Him: "At Baggage claim."
Me: "Did you have customs?"
Him: "Already done."

I ran faster across the walkway and down to the carousels but no one was there. I ran from one side of the baggage claim to the next and couldn't see him. I looked up his flight and found that his bag would be on claim 3 on the opposite side of the terminal so again I ran back. People stared as I ran frantically.

I tried calling his phone but no answer. I called again. Nothing. I sat on the side of carousel 3 and my mind began racing with explanations.

My phone lit up with his name. He was calling to say he was coming up the escalator now. Before he finished talking I ran to where the town-car drivers were standing. I looked down in my hand to see his crumpled sign and held it up just in time to catch his eye.

After the week he had and a flight all night, I could see the world on his shoulders.

He walked over, set down his bag, wrapped his arms around my waist and we hugged. I could feel his deep breathes in the crook of my neck and the weariness in his arms.

After a few minutes we separated and he grabbed his bag with this left hand and his carry-on with his right. I insisted on helping, so I grabbed his carry-on in my right hand and took his hand in my left.

As we walked back to my car to make the journey home I was so nervous that I started rambling. Rambling on to cover all that I was hoping for. But finally calmed:
Me: "How are you?"
Him: "I'm just out of it. I can't really talk about it right now."

So we walked in silence back to my car and started the drive home.
Him: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, I am just not all here."
Me: "It's okay, I don't mind waiting."

He was home.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

I have found that there are two different types of girls on Valentine's Day... those that love it and those that hate it... but I'm not really either.

When I was younger... elementary school through nearly a year ago... my dad (and my mom most likely helped) would do something to make Valentine's special for my sister and I. Up until high school he would sign us out of school and take us on an individual daddy-daughter date lunch and then in high school and beyond it became flowers or cookies or little packages. Those moments with one on one time with dad were such a treasure to me and helped define the strong woman I am today... they are some of my fondest memories and when I get married and have kids, will be tradition I encourage with my husband.

I see Valentine's as an opportunity to express your feelings for a person: husband, boyfriend, crush, family, or friend. I don't think it must be limited to an "eros" type love but a moment in time to express your feelings deeply and, perhaps, outwardly. I don't know about you, but I try to tell people how I feel about them often... but it is just one more day that maybe it is worth taking that extra step for those you care about the most.

This year, I had a pretty great Valentine's day, I wore my heart on my legs and had an amazing dinner with a girl friend who's boyfriend lives in California. Apart from the great food and great company, I discovered my love for dirty martinis... shaken not stirred.
(Let me tell you... my heart tights were a hit... they are little cheapies at only $14 and I will recommend them to the moon and back. Stock up now!)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Four days In Portland

I cannot put into words the amount of fun I had this past weekend in Portland. I took Friday and Monday off of work to make the most of my visit and spend a few days disconnected from work. As it so happened, my work password expired Thursday at midnight which meant there wasn't even the slightest chance of checking in to work until Tuesday morning.

The weekend was spent with time with my family, coffee dates, cocktails, church and old friends made possible by Mom, Dad, Jake, Emily, Kaia, Anibal, Michael, Mickey, Vanessa, Matt, Brianna, Noah, and Maeve.

It was a sweet reminder of how much I love this city even though I have made my home in Seattle.

Until next time and hopefully soon...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Have you seen Disney's animated short film Paperman? I love it... it makes me want to ride the bus instead of walking home and gives me hope that my next meet cute won't happen on facebook, twitter, or instagram. A little hope can't hurt.

I have seen this video posted across social channels, but thanks for making me watch Hither & Thither.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

January Community Dinner - Slippers Required

Jam from Bear Flagg Farms

For January's Community Dinner I wanted to try something a little different and have a Saturday brunch instead. Inspired by Pinterest recipes, I made scones with jam from Mary's wedding in Bear Flagg Farms, baked eggs with a hashbrown crust, slow-cooked oatmeal, yogurt parfaits, Coava coffee, mimosas, and store bought donuts. Only one cheat from the whole menu!

I foolishly did not test a single recipe prior to serving, breaking a cardinal rule for having guests over for dinner, but I didn't have the time to try! Luckily, each piece turned out delicious and was made even better by the friends that joined.

We were especially treated this month as my mom made a surprise visit by rerouting a business trip flight to Seattle.

I have started planning and brainstorming February's Community Dinner and I am torn between a soup or pasta centered meal. I want to get a few comfort dinner's in while the winter vegetables are still in prime season. If you have better ideas, please share!

Until next dinner...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Run, Girl, Run.

(My gear for an easy run: Nike 'Cyclone' Running Jacket, Zella Live In Leggings, Nike 'Free v4.0" Running Shoe, Under Armour Seamless Sports Bra (similar). For longer distance I typically wear more supported shoes and for warmer climates a t-shirt instead.)

I thought I would run a marathon or a half before I ever got a pixie hair cut but now that that is out of my #30before30 way the biggest obstacle on my list is that very long run.

As January came and gone, I have a few people and sparks helping to motivate this goal:

At we put together nice little kit for all that you may need for your workout wear and has a perfect playlist for my morning runs with Elyse. Do a little shopping and download here >>

Nike recently came out with a 5k/10k/half/full marathon training guide that makes it seems so easy. It started this week with a single mile and will slowly progress as the weeks go on. This guide coupled with my recently restored Fuelband energized my routine.

My sister, former long cross country runner, is by far the biggest encouragement; she has already found multiple half marathons for us to run this year and is always helpful in correcting my pace and form. (Note: I have great form but slow pace... I will take it)

The Nordstrom Active playlist is great for the mornings, but for my nightime workouts or when I need an extra boost, I have perfected a workout playlist over the years. If you like pop music then I recommend giving it a listen while you run. (Not showing: Sweet Disposition... perfect start to every run.)

Also missing from the playlist are my favorite BootieSF mashups. They are a mix of old and new songs with the perfect power beat.


Now you know my agenda for 2013 maybe you can join. We can beast together... slowly but with great form.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

30th Birthday Party

I am 27 years and 4 months old but I am already planning my 30th birthday.

I don't know why but I am so excited to turn 30 years old (and yet I hated turning 27.)

Studies have shown that women are at their most beautiful at 30. Some people hear that and think, "oh great I peaked"… I hear that and think… "I am going to work 30 for all it is worth". It will be my present to myself for the awkward years that lasted until 29.

 All this to say… Thanks to Bash, Please I have found the look, feel, and idea for my birthday. Add it to your calendars because with three years of planning it will be out of this world.



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