Thursday, October 31, 2013

Office Romance

It is estimated that the average american spends 30% of their life at the office. With nearly as much time in the cubicle as you do sleeping, what do you think about office romances?

The Pros: It is convenient and accessible and comes with a common bond... If Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie can fall in love over Mr. & Mrs. Smith then it is just as likely that I will fall for John over TPS reports.

The Cons: With office love may also come office heartache. There is no way to avoid the ex and you very well may run into him every day at the water cooler.

But, if you have evaluated the pros and cons of an office romance, and yet you feel there is far too much chemistry exchanged in those lingering glances across the cubicle walls.... what now?

My parents were in town for a week to meet my new nephew and I was able to score some time with them over dinner. Since they had "been there, done that" at some point in their life, and had obviously captured each other's hearts, I used this precious opportunity to solicit their wisdom on the art of office romance.

Me:  What do you think of office romances and how does one move from quick glances to something more? (Hypothetically speaking, of course)

Mom: Details please... (with a romantic sparkle in her eye)

Me: You know, say there is this man at work that I have a big crush on. I always catch him looking at me so I think he might have one too. But, I never have the chance to talk to him. So, what should I do?

Dad: Just walk up to him and ask him to coffee.

Me: That's it? I don't think that would work!

Dad: Yes it will.

Me: If a girl asked you to coffee what would you say?

Dad: That I'm married.

I want to know what you think... Would you dare an office romance? Or take a chance with a coffee request? I'd love to hear your office tales and advice.

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Guy Cute vs. Girl Cute

A common conversation my family and I have is the theory of "Guy Cute" and "Girl Cute." The idea is that most often girls dress for the approval of other girls, and often wear something that men do not find attractive.

Dressing to be cute in a guy's eyes could be the last worry you may have, but..., as a single girl, this is my family's first touch point as to why I am single. In their eyes, I am the worst offender.

My dress style is best described as quirky lady-like with lots of layers. (trademark pending ;-) ) I typically take something that would be very pretty and then add pieces on top of pieces. I can walk down the street and have a handful of girls stop to compliment me (true story), but it does nothing to attract the opposite sex.

In fact, one of my coworkers told me I am the very definition of the "Man Repeller" manifesto. But perhaps my brother-in-law said it best, "You are like Zoey Deschanel. Every guy thinks she is 'cute' but she isn't 'hot.'" I happen to take both as a compliment... 1. The Man Repeller is fabulous 2. Zoey Deschanel is exactly what I am going for.

But in case you are like me... being told by family and friends that you dress cute but terribly weird... this is my sure fire advice for dressing "guy cute".

1. Simplify

Yep, that's it. Guys aren't complicated. Less is more (and no I am not talking about showing more skin). Wearing the bells and whistles will put you on the path of "girl cute". Instead wear simple pieces that that fit you well and won't detract from your awesome personality.

Because let's be honest... what you wear will only get you a second glance. Who you are, well that's a whole other blog post.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Reading List: Chanda Hahn

It is not every day that someone you know tops the charts on Amazon and iTunes books. But Chanda Hahn did and I know her!

Humble brag over...

Chanda works with my parents and when my mom told me how her books were racing up the charts I quickly downloaded a copy. Before I knew it I was sucked into her An Unfortunate Fairy Tale series and began devouring them as quickly as she could write them.

The series has a similar theme as the popular tv show Grimm except the main character is a high school girl and she is fighting to break the grimm fairy tale curse on her family.

Chanda has done an excellent job of creating a story that a reader can get lost in, and then be mesmerized by to read cover to cover in one sitting. The best part? Her kindle books are priced well below $5 and the first book in the series is FREE.

See? Now you have no excuse not to read them.

Start the series with UnEnchanted now.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

30 Before 30: Meet Noah

For my 27th birthday, I sat down my sister and brother in law and told them that for my 28th birthday the only thing I wanted was a niece or a nephew. Let's be honest, I am a girl who knows what she wants and people do not like disappointing me.

Exactly 12 days after I turned 28 years old, my nephew came into this world.

Noah James
7lbs 12oz. 20 inches long.

is a world class cuddler
as curious and attentive as his auntie Dani
has his daddy's nose and mommy's lips and chin
cannot wait to meet his grandpa Noah but loves hanging out in the kitchen with this grandma Noah
spends most of his time cuddling with his puppy, Rudy
makes oinking sounds all day long
loves to have his hair washed
is the cutest baby ever.

It is amazing that he is only a week old and has already changed my life for the better. I cannot get enough time with him and have taken to cooking dinner and folding laundry just for a chance to be near him.

His parents did one heck of a job creating this little monkey and giving me the best birthday present ever.

Just not sure how they will top it next year! ;-)

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  1. Get a pixie haircut.
    1. Completed Dec 12, 2012
  2. Go on a vacation alone.

  3. Karaoke.

  4. Camp.

  5. Learn to longboard skateboard. Or at least attempt it.

  6. Complete a catch on the flying trapeze.
    1. Completed Sept 24, 2013

  7. Throw a fancy dinner party.

  8. Run a marathon. (But I will settle for a half)

  9. Visit Canada.

  10. Travel to a country I have never been before (not Canada).
  11.           Completed May 9, 2013 with Amsterdam
  12. Revisit my best friend in Florida.

  13. See a football game in the south. War Eagle.

  14. Learn to grill.
    1. Completed April 2013
  15. Attempt snowboarding... again.

  16. Take a cooking class. 
    1. Completed Nov 11, 2012 at Pantry at Delancy
      Pie Ninja
  17. Hold my future niece or nephew.
    1. Completed October 15, 2013

  18. Treat my parents.

  19. Make a pie from scratch.
    1. Completed Nov 21, 2012 with a Ginger Apple Streusel "Pie"
  20. Find the perfect swimsuit.

  21. Decorate a christmas tree.

  22. Ride a motorcycle.

  23. Explore 5 states I have never visited before.

  24. Conquer my reoccuring NYE resolution of reading 50 books in one year.

  25. Learn to french braid.

  26. Take a 2 week vacation: 2 consecutive weeks.

  27. Build something... that doesn’t come from Ikea.

  28. Do one cartwheel.

  29. Matchmake a couple, successfully.

  30. Wear my navy blue special occasion Florida dress.

  31. Be apart of something momentous, memorable, and national. Subjective... deal with it.
BONUS: Be awesome every day.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hitchcock's "The Birds" Themed Dinner Party

I live in a pretty small apartment. For the last 2+ years I've lived here, I've had this notion that my place is just too small for a party. Well. I've had a change of heart. It's not THAT small. And as long as I don't try to host 20 people, I can most definitely have a little party.

Since this is a very recent discovery, Halloween seemed like a perfect reason to host my first little party! If you know me, I love a good theme. I was perusing Pinterest and saw a cool horror film pin. That got the wheels turning and soon I landed on a Hitchcock's "The Birds" themed party. I figured it wasn't too terribly scary (I really don't like scary movies. At all.), it was a fun theme, and something I could do on a budget!
Budget was actually the driving force in this theme. I really didn't have room in my budget to go crazy on decorations. Everything I decorated with I either already owned or was purchased this year at the Dollar Tree and the Dollar Spot at Target. All the fake crows? Dollar Tree! They were the perfect touch for my The Birds themed dinner.

A very easy and free way to make a big impact for a theme is with free printables!. Search Pinterest and other places online and you can find free printables for nearly any occasion. If you look closely, you'll see Hitchcock pictures in the frames and spooky labels on jars. All free, all made a big impact.
To make my guests feel like they were really involved in the theme, I ordered black crow nail decals and applied them while everyone was sipping on cocktails.

Speaking of cocktails, it's not a party without a custom drink! I used this one, The Raven, based on the name, and it was actually quite delicious!

During dinner, we turned on the movie. Tippy Hedron is a total bombshell! We ended up mostly chatting over the movie and then tuning in for some of the more exciting scenes. Perhaps it's not a great idea to watch scary movies whilst eating. I'll keep that in mind for the next party I throw!
Overall, it was a fun, budget friendly evening together with girlfriends! I can't wait to throw another little gathering at my place!

If you're wondering if I wore a homemade bird nest on my head and a Hitchcock T-shirt, the answer is: Duh, of course I did.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Perfect PJs

I've had a love/hate relationship with pajamas since I was a little girl. I have a tendency to toss and turn when I am first falling asleep that often leaves me tangled up in clothes. But when I moved into my new place, I quickly discovered that waking up to sunlight on my face is worth finding the perfect PJs so I don't flash my neighbors (nor the homeless man outside my window).

I immediately began my search for the perfect pajamas; looking all over online and in stores and trying on more than I can count. Many a pair did not make it through the night's rest but I finally discovered my go-to night time looks. Both, oddly enough, inspired by Menswear.

For the nights when I need to be a bit cooler, nothing beats a Nordstrom BP tank top and American Apparel men's boxer briefs. Both items don't wrap around me when I sleep and let me easily transition from counting sheep to morning stretches.
The menswear inspired night shirt is my newest obsession as we head into fall. I am especially head over heels for the BP chambray night shirt that is so light but still keeps me warm at night. Paired with my Target lounge ballet slippers and I have no problem running across my cold hard wood floors to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and crawl back into bed.

I swear by my two go-to menswear inspired night time looks and both will cost you less than $40. Now that you know what I am wearing to bed...What is your ultimate sleepwear look?

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Emily's Seattle Bucket List

I recently learned that I will be moving back to Southern California January 1st. This is what I have been fighting for for months and I’m so relieved that my period of uncertainty is over and that I will finally be back home with my great company, my family, and my main man in LA. However excited I am, I will certainly miss Seattle and I am so grateful for my time there and all I’ve experienced and learned. With three months remaining in the city I’ve got plenty I want to accomplish to give the city the farewell it deserves.

Serafina o Bar Sajor o Delancey Pizza o Herbfarm o Altura o Sushi Kappo Tamura o Metropolitan Grill o Elliot’s Oyster House o Walrus and the Carpenter o Il Corvo Pasta o Paseo o Lloyd Martin o Macrina Bakery Toulouse

Pike's Place Market
Clean and feast on whole dungeness crab o Buy halibut cheeks and learn to prepare them o Filet and prepare a whole salmon for friends o Eat geoduck o Shuck a dozen oysters without cutting myself o Buy the craziest mushrooms I can from the produce guy. o Visit the Wine Shop at DeLaurenti’s and say goodbye to my favorite wine steward, Kurt o Get a croissant and cappuccino at Le Panier bakery and enjoy breakfast in the midst of the market o Create a bouquet from flowers bought at the market o Get a piroshky from Piroshky Piroshky and some mini doughnuts from Mighty O

Queen Anne, my neighborhood in Seattle
Spend an evening sitting in Kerry Park reading a book and drinking some wine. o Buy something I’ve never cooked before at A&J Meats in Queen Anne and learn to prepare it from my butcher. o Go to a wine tasting at McCarthy and Schiering Wine Shop o Run the Queen Anne “Crown” o Barbeque dinner and eat it on my building’s rooftop deck o Visit the Queen Anne Farmers Market o Get a scoop of lemon lavender ice cream at Molly Moon’s

Order a vegetarian tasting menu/go to a vegetarian restaurant o Go to one of the fancy cocktail bars (Tavern Law, Bathtub Gin, Canon, ZigZag) and give the bartender complete control over my order o Take a run along the waterfront of Elliot Bay. o Run the Green Lake loop with the Seattle Green Lake Running Group o Visit the Ballard Farmers Market o Go to a musical performance o Drink only Washington and Oregon Wine o Go Oysterfishing (Oystering?) o Buy a vegetable I’ve never heard of and a whole duck to roast at Uwajimaya

Visit SAM (Seattle Art Museum) o Take the ferry to Bainbridge Island and dine at Hitchcock o Visit the Ballard Locks and say hi to the salmon in the fish ladder o Buy a “Seattle Rain Festival: January 1st to December 31st” shopping bag o Buy a Sleepless in Seattle nightshirt o Go to the first Starbucks for a “You are here” mug o Dine at Sky City Restaurant on top of the Space Needle

Just writing this list I’m reminded of how quirky, unique, beautiful, and delicious Seattle is. I’m thinking of all the friends I’ve made along my journey here and the things I’ve discovered. If you’re feeling bored by your city, just imagine leaving it and you’ll see it in a whole new light. If you’ve recently moved to a new city, don’t wait for friends to come along before you start your exploration. Be a shameless tourist, treat yourself to Friday night drinks out, find your own special spots. You never know who you might meet or what you might discover. Thank you to my Seattle friends for making it “home.” I hope you’ll join me in my adventures.

And finally, a tribute to Holly, who was bold enough to go out on her own in Seattle and happened to find her husband (married this month!), and who, as my first friend in Seattle, taught me in many ways how to love this city. Thanks for all of it, sis.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reading List: Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell, is easily one of the best books that I read this year.

It is a story of an outcast and a boy barely in the popular group who find themselves slowly becoming friends during their short bus ride to school each morning.

This book felt very real. I understand how cruel kids can be and how little grace they can exhibit just because they are unaware of their actions. In this story we meet a girl who has a terrible home situation that has made her an outcast in school and a boy who against his will shares a seat with her (jeopardizing his popularity). That first step and subsequent sharing of a bus seat everyday starts a friendship that ultimately makes them better people. It shows that although kids can be oblivious, they have the ability to do the right thing and be kind to those less fortunate.

This book will teach you to pay attention to those around you and not be so quick to judge.

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