Friday, June 7, 2013

Finding Routine

As someone who is very expressive and always moving from this thing to that: I crave routine.

I am often teased about my schedule - I plan out my days as far in advanced as possible. It’s not that I don’t like being spontaneous. It is just that I want to make sure I fit everything in that I possibly can. I want to see everyone one, do everything, and fit it in down to the very minute. I don’t want to waste a single second!

Having a schedule allows me to anticipate and plan, but having a routine keeps me grounded.

For the past month I have been getting a ride to work with my roommate at 6:50am. Crazy early, right? But instead of walking into the office, I veer right and go to my local coffeeshop where I spend an hour to myself, drink my cappuccino "for-here", and read my latest book. It has become my favorite hour of the day and makes getting up early totally worth it.

My other favorite routine is my walk home from work. I could easily take the bus or catch a ride (like I sometimes do) but instead I have a 45-min walk. In the sun or in the rain, the trek to the top of Queen Anne hill energizes me. I tend to carry the stress of work home with me and halfway through my walk all my stresses and worries seem to disappears.

None of these routines are easy. It would be so much more convenient to sleep in or catch the bus but the extra effort has made me happier, feel a little more whole, and have some daily time to re-center.

Do you have a routine that you can’t live without?



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