Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Same Dress. Different Day.

You may have heard of 6 Items or Less or the Little Black Dress Project but if you haven't, both are variations of wearing only a minimal wardrobe for a set amount of days.

That doesn't mean a minimal amount of clothes... it means wearing the same thing or the same 6 pieces every day.

I have decided to participate by using a variation of both:

I have a black sleeveless shirt dress that is going to be my only wardrobe staple for the month of June. Unlike the LBD Project, I'm not going to try to make the outfit look different every day. I may throw a shirt or sweater with it, but by enlarge, it is going to the same black dress every day.

(But don't worry, I bought multiples of the same dress.)

I am doing this for two reasons:

  • As an exercise in simplicity and frugality.
  • To remove the self imposed barriers that how I look affects who I am.

If I took away the time that I spent worrying how I looked or how I feel others think I look, how much more could I accomplish? Could I be more creative? Could I be faster? Kinder? More outgoing? Generous with my time?

30 days, that's my goal. Today is the start of day four and although it is easy to get dressed in the morning it is already difficult to follow through.

(Not the exact dress: But a similar black sleeveless shirt dress within $10 of the dress I have)



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