Monday, June 17, 2013

Same Dress in June | Halfway There

We are half way through the month and still going strong with wearing the same dress every day in June.

I have paired this dress plain, with accessories, under tops and tucked into jeans. Everyday is just a little bit different and weekends are repeats of my favorite styles from the week.

As I am attempting this simplicity experiment I have had mixed emotions:

Week 1: The hardest week, surprisingly. I hadn't found my groove and the idea of wearing the same dress every day was embarrassing. I wasn't telling people, apart from those who read my blog, and working in a fashion company you are constantly surrounded by fashionable people.

Week 2: After I survived the first 7 days, I knew I needed to get a bit more creative. I started pairing the dress with shirts or tucking it into jeans to mix up how I looked. Wearing the dress no longer felt like a burden.

The purpose of this experience was to remove the self-imposed barriers of "what I look like affects who I am" and to practice simplicity.

I can tell you that I haven't gotten more work done in these two weeks but nor have I gotten less done either. I've gone on some dates, gone out with friends and even attended a shi-shi event all in this dress.

Life has continued on as normal.

But that is exactly what amazes me. What I am wearing has had no affect on my life, apart from less laundry.

Style matters to me. I don't necessarily follow trends or think there is only one way to be stylish. Instead, I believe style is a confidence and attitude. It is in wearing what makes you feel good about yourself; for some that is Kirkland - Costco jeans while for me that is a fit-n-flare dress.

What I'm learning, with two more weeks to sink in, is that no one cares how you dress... but you. Sure, it will be noticed if you are dirty or the clothes fit poorly... but in general, the only person who cares how you dress is you.

Don't dress for the boy you hope to get second date with or the coworkers who are always so put together and in sky high heels.
Wear what makes you feel good and delights you.
What makes you walk taller, pulls your shoulders back and puts a smile on your face.
Dress for you.

(Translation: shi-shi = fancy)



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