Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

I have found that there are two different types of girls on Valentine's Day... those that love it and those that hate it... but I'm not really either.

When I was younger... elementary school through nearly a year ago... my dad (and my mom most likely helped) would do something to make Valentine's special for my sister and I. Up until high school he would sign us out of school and take us on an individual daddy-daughter date lunch and then in high school and beyond it became flowers or cookies or little packages. Those moments with one on one time with dad were such a treasure to me and helped define the strong woman I am today... they are some of my fondest memories and when I get married and have kids, will be tradition I encourage with my husband.

I see Valentine's as an opportunity to express your feelings for a person: husband, boyfriend, crush, family, or friend. I don't think it must be limited to an "eros" type love but a moment in time to express your feelings deeply and, perhaps, outwardly. I don't know about you, but I try to tell people how I feel about them often... but it is just one more day that maybe it is worth taking that extra step for those you care about the most.

This year, I had a pretty great Valentine's day, I wore my heart on my legs and had an amazing dinner with a girl friend who's boyfriend lives in California. Apart from the great food and great company, I discovered my love for dirty martinis... shaken not stirred.
(Let me tell you... my heart tights were a hit... they are little cheapies at only $14 and I will recommend them to the moon and back. Stock up now!)



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