Wednesday, February 27, 2013


If anyone has spent more than 5 minutes talking with me, they know I am an avid reader. I consume books like they are chocolate and most nights sacrifice sleep to finish a book. I love to read because I am transported to a place and time I have never experienced. Unlike movies, I am able to be the art director of my imagination and create the scene from the written words.

I am so inspired by a great story and I try to live a life that would be a great story.... albiet one where the heroine is a bit clumsy and silly. But apart from living a great story, I am spending more time writing stories and sharing them. They could come from my life, imagination or Taylor Swift song. They may be real, they may be fake... that is only for me to know. You may see stories start to populate on this blog and can find them under the label  "storytelling."

I will leave you with this, one of my favorite twitter accounts, @veryshortstory, who is able to tell a complete story in 140 characters and inspires me that sometimes less is more:



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