Monday, September 16, 2013

8 Minutes

8 Minutes.

The exact amount of time it took me to

powder my nose,
reapply lipstick,
fluff my hair,
order a rooibos tea,
pick a seat,
adjust my outfit,
change seating positions... twice,
clean my glasses,
pull out a book,
pretend to read,
take a sip of tea,
re-adjust my seat again,
and tuck my hair behind my ear.

8 minutes,
42 minutes before he was scheduled to arrive.

Have you caught a theme in my blogs yet? I like to be early. Really early. Too early.

I don't think it is in my DNA to be the girl who arrives 5 minutes or more fashionably late. Since I can't change my ways, I have decided to campaign that being early is the new late.

This is why:
You have time to collect yourself. Frazzledness goes out there door if you have time to breath and relax prior to your companion's arrival.

You have time for last minute affirmation texts. Phones out on dates is a huge no-no but if you are early than you can squeeze in a final few "I'm so nervous" texts to girlfriends. They are always returned with responses reminding you that the guy is lucky just to be seeing you. (Girlfriends are the best.)

You have time to agree that being early is the new late. Seriously, join me in this campaign.

Well, fine, if you are going to continue to be late I have perfected the be late entrance (on the rare occasion I get to use it...):

  • Walk boldly into the room and scan the room like you own it. 
  • Only once you find who you are meeting, walk with purpose to meet them. 
  • A smile and eye contact are crucial.
(You may think it is silly to stand at the entrance and scan the room before looking to find the person but trust me, taking those few confident seconds shows you are cool, calm and collected.)

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