Friday, August 16, 2013


Hello old friend...

For the past month AndBubblegum has been on hiatus and only half there starting a few weeks earlier. A few things have gotten in the way:

July is my busiest season at work. Our work hours are extended and the pressure is high. This year ran a million times more smoothly than last year thanks to an amazing team but there is still a lot of effort and energy centered around these 20 days.

The night before my busy season started I found out I had to move by the end of the month. Not only did that mean long and odd hours at work but then all other free time was spent looking at apartments.

Pressure was high. Emotions were even higher.

Through it all, I had an amazing support system that picked up the phone when I was hyper ventilating or talking through tears.

They looked at countless apartments with me and spent long hours searching online to find more.

They helped me pack up my old apartment and move into a new.

And all the while they encouraged me every step of the way.

In the end, I found an amazing place, one that I am absolutely delighted by. I also accepted a new job that will start in the next few weeks.

Through all the craziness it turned out better than I could have ever imagined.

In this transition and time away from blogging I have decided to reassess this site and its purpose.

When I started this blog it was a glimpse into the moments that make my life tick, you met my family and friends, you saw relationships thrive and fail, you partnered with me in my moments of vulnerability, and cheered me along the way.

I love the community that has been built through Andbubblegum and I am so grateful for all of you. This site isn't going away, it may even stay the same, but I want to be better about protecting those that come into my life. My family, my friends, coworkers and relationships... they didn't sign up for this even if I did.

Thank you for sticking by as life gets settled. Glorious days are ahead.



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