A year ago we started planning Ashley's wedding.
Big wedding. Small wedding.
Indoor. Outdoors.
Venue. Dress. Food. DJ. Photographer.
And I insisted on a videographer. Mostly, I insisted on James Polits.
I've seen some of James work and was always impressed. But I knew James. I knew how he would kill himself to make it perfect.
We finally received the video last night and it is perfect.
Ashley + Vik from James Polits on Vimeo.
What I love most about it is the intimate moments James caught. Between a stolen kiss or a quick wink, he recreated that special day in 11 minutes and reminded me what it was all about.
Love. <3
If you are looking for a videographer, there is no one else I would recommend. Between his demeanor the day of the wedding, his interactions pre and post wedding and the final product; he is phenomenal.