I had jaw surgery four years ago and I still have not gotten use to my "new" face. It wasn't a severe change but as someone who lived with a certain look for decades (just two), having something different was...different! It's not that I don't like how I look now, I sometimes wonder if it was better before.
I was complaining.
No one likes to listen to me complain.
They assume it's all smiles and bubblegum 24/7.
Thankfully I was with some creative types who told me to lock it up and took my picture.
And now I can't decide which picture I like best.
Or if my smile looks fake.
Or if I could have a career in stock modeling.
See, you just can't win with me sometimes. ;-)
Oh and yes, if you were wondering... that is my bed... you know, where the magic happens. #Iwatchtoomuchmtv
Dani...you are just too pretty!